Category: Have Images

Virtualização de Servidores, Redes e Cibersegurança: Otimizando a Produtividade Empresarial

August 15, 2024 By pH7x Systems

Na Ph7x Systems, somos especialistas em fornecer soluções completas de TI que garantem a centralização de recursos, segurança e escalabilidade. Nossa equipa altamente qualificada está comprometida em transformar a tecnologia em um diferencial competitivo para o seu negócio. Oferecemos uma ampla gama de serviços, desde a implementação e manutenção de servidores e virtualização até a configuração […]

Maximizing Productivity in Modern Work Environments: The Role of Blockchain and AI in Microsoft Teams

April 24, 2024 By pH7x Systems

Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of modern work environments, maximizing productivity and enhancing collaboration are top priorities for organizations worldwide. Leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) can offer unique advantages in achieving these goals. This article explores the significance of blockchain and AI in the context of Microsoft Teams, highlighting […]

SPO WBBag: Company wide tips for SharePoint Online from product to service (Cloud Service SharePoint Online)

December 18, 2023 By pH7x Systems

In this article I will not cover all phases and planning, but some insights from my experience. FIRST MOST IMPORTANT Companies are usually curious by nature and it is your responsibility to design processes that the client is unaware of in the context of migration and modern workplace. IN A MIGRATION CLIENTS ARE INSATISFAYED BY […]