Photo by Javon Swaby:


January 1, 2024 By pH7x Systems

2023 RECAP in all aspects of my life.

It was a year full of surprises, full of decisions, professional and family challenges for three reasons.

The professional:

Was very grateful, and full of challenges that solidified my professional maturity, my resilience and my growth in managing technology and people. How challenging and emotional it is to know how to say NO, and no it is no. Everyone, my employer and my friend at the same time, was always there for me.

Family life:

In itself is a huge challenge, in life nothing is taken for granted, everything can change in a flash. How difficult those days of change were last year, when you find yourself in a second being a father and a mother at the same time. When one of your best friends becomes dependent on others, what a moment. Without my family and my closest friends it was much more difficult. Must say almost impossible. Grateful, I always be here you.

The balance:

Digesting all these feelings and emotions represents a huge daily job, but it gets easier, yes I overcame myself and I did it, but I didn’t do it alone, it’s called life, I’m not different or special, as long as I’m honest, I face everything with due regard. personal honesty. In fact, no one is going to fool themselves. And Grateful, grateful for friends, for patience, for suggestions that allowed me to make the best decisions. Do your work the best you can NEVER GIVE UP. Stay always beside those who LOVE YOU. Life can be short.

This year, on this day I just want to thank my CLOSEST FRIENDS, not much but the BEST ones I have In my life, without you life has no flavor.